Russia struggles to repel deep incursion by Ukraine

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2024-08-09 13:06:49

Thai auto industry struggles with falling demand, EV imports

Post Content
2024-07-30 13:19:44

'His Mamaw raised him' - Republicans inspired by Vance speech

Supporters react to a personal speech in which he talked about his mother's struggles with addiction.
2024-07-19 03:06:45

Biden struggles in debate as personal attacks fly

The president came into his debate with Donald Trump with a low bar to clear, and he struggled, writes Anthony Zurcher.
2024-06-28 06:07:05

Celine Dion says 'I'm back' after health struggles

The vocal powerhouse tells the BBC about her devastating health battle and her comeback plans.
2024-06-14 08:08:39

Russia could increase Ukraine attacks, says Zelensky

Moscow continues to make military gains in the Kharkiv region as Ukraine struggles with resources.
2024-05-18 14:08:54

Post Content
2024-05-13 17:08:29

Weary troops stuck on front line as Ukraine struggles to find manpower

Ukraine is outgunned and outmanned by the Russian invaders, who are inching closer.
2024-05-06 09:09:03

Nazanin: 'Freedom is sweet... but it's not easy'

She says she still struggles think about the future two years after her release from prison in Iran.
2024-04-11 17:08:36

At Gate 96 - the new crossing into Gaza where aid struggles to get in

Israel says the crossing is open, but agencies say the army is holding them back.
2024-03-25 23:07:01

Sunak Struggles for Control in Face of Dire Polls and Tory Anger

Post Content
2024-03-18 21:08:21

A young couple's ordeal captivates Chinese internet

Their struggles mirror the dashed hopes of so many people confronting a slowing economy.
2023-12-04 01:06:25

China Set to Skip Ukraine Talks as Zelenskiy Blueprint Struggles

Post Content
2023-10-26 22:08:04

Canadian cannabis market struggles five years after legalisation

Five years after recreational cannabis became legal, the industry in Canada is facing economic struggles.
2023-10-17 08:13:24

Kosovo Talks Stuck After Shooting as EU Struggles to Mend Ties

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2023-10-16 17:11:58

Hatalmas békecsúcsra készül a világ, de az egyik legfontosabb szereplő nélkül

Máltán kerül megrendezésre a nemzetbiztonsági tanácsadók találkozója, ahová eddig 55 ország jelezte részvételét. A fő téma az ukránok törekvése lesz az oroszok elleni háború lezárására, lesz azonban egy fontos hiányzó - írja a Bloomberg.
2023-10-27 07:08:48

Megmenekülhet az egyik legnagyobb európai informatikai óriás

A pénzügyi nehézségekkel küzdő Atos informatikai vállalat bejelentette, hogy a francia kormány szándéknyilatkozatot küldött nekik a cég fejlett számítástechnikai és kiberbiztonsági üzletágának megvásárlásáról - írja a CNBC.
2024-04-29 15:06:48

Lewis Capaldi struggles to finish Glastonbury set

After suffering vocal problems, the Scottish star suggests he might have to take an extended break.
2023-06-24 23:10:10

Ukraine war: Western armour struggles against Russian defences

Russians use layers of mines to prevent Ukraine's advance on the southern front.
2023-07-27 19:36:04


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